FINALLY the big reveal this week (after months of keeping the secret) is that I am launching a brand new podcast series with fellow coeliac Sarah Howells: Oh Crumbs – The Gluten Free Podcast. WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!

Focused on coeliac life, all things gluten free and positivity, the first episode of Oh Crumbs will be launching in late July. Go and follow us on social media now to get all the latest news – you can find us on Instagram and Facebook or click on the player below to listen to our trailer:

We are so excited about this new gluten free podcast series and we have been working really hard on it for the last few months. Each episode features a wonderful guest, talking to us about free from life and their personal experiences with gluten free. A Masterchef champion, Bake Off’s gluten free star, expert gluten free chefs, free from entrepreurs, top influencers, nutrition professionals and more.

Sarah and I will also be recounting our own personal stories with coeliac disease and discussing all aspects of coeliac life. Plus we will be taking a look at a whole host of other free from topics, including the gluten free baking, coeliac disease and allergies in children, the low FODMAP diet, undiagnosed coeliac disease, MS, IBD, Crohns Disease, IBS and body positivity, to name a few.

Stay tuned for updates about the launch date for the first episode and be sure to follow me on Instagram to make sure you don’t miss it. We really hope the gluten free community enjoy listening to this gluten free podcast as much as we are enjoying making it.

Laura x